Ex-Bank of Moscow Chief Says VTB Bailout Takeover Is ‘Political’

By Maria Levitov and Henry Meyer, Bloomberg

The “political” takeover of Bank of Moscow by Russia’s state-owned VTB Group led to the biggest bank bailout in the country’s history to transfer government money to Bank of Moscow’s new shareholders, former chief executive officer Andrei Borodin and his representatives said.

“The criminal prosecution and takeover of Bank of Moscow are part of the same chain of the political decision to change shareholders at Bank of Moscow and to place it under government control,” Borodin said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.


The Russian intrigue over control of banks; the mode and manner of the Bank of Moscow restructuring raises many questions

by Gerald Hosp, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Question marks still hang over the massive injection of government funds into the Russian Bank of Moscow. The former CEO is defending himself against allegations of credit fraud. The bailout is dragging down the reputation of the entire Russian banking sector.

In these times of financial and economic crisis, government support for a troubled bank is nothing extraordinary. Even so, the case of the financial injection for Russia’s Bank of Moscow (Bank Moskwy, BoM) is more illustrative of the moral condition of the country’s economic and political elite rather than action to restore a bank’s balance sheet. At the beginning of July, the Russian authorities assembled a 395 billion rouble rescue package to pull back the stricken BoM from the brink of bankruptcy. That marked the largest ever capital injection in the Russian banking industry. “The support package was not necessary. With the bailout, the stockholders of the institution were rescued, not the bank,” says Andrei Borodin, the bank’s former CEO, in an interview with this newspaper in an undisclosed location.

Borodin is defending himself against accusations that credit fraud took place under his watch. Russian officials have said that more than half of the institution’s credit portfolio was “in bad shape.” A large portion of this can be ascribed to companies linked to Borodin and other former BoM managers. Attempts were made to sell off assets pledged as collateral. A warrant was issued for Borodin’s arrest in connection with a loan to property firm. Since the end of March, Borodin has no longer been in Russia, and the banker is thought to be in London.Джеральд Хосп, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

По-прежнему сохраняются вопросы в отношении мощного вливания государственных средств в российский Банк Москвы. Бывший руководитель банка защищается от обвинений в мошенничестве при выдаче кредитов. Меры спасения отрицательно сказались на репутации всего российского банковского сектора.Gerald Hosp, Moskau Moskauer Betrugsvorwürfe Private Nutzniesser Unklare Rolle Jusufows Staatsbank in Opferrolle Schwächen der Aufsicht
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Die grosse staatliche Finanzspritze für die russische Bank of Moscow ist weiterhin mit Fragezeichen versehen. Der ehemalige CEO wehrt sich gegen den Vorwurf des Kreditbetrugs. Der Bail-out belastet den Ruf des gesamten russischen Bankensektors.

Staatliche Unterstützung für eine in Not geratene Bank ist im Zuge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise keine Besonderheit. Die Vorfälle um die Finanzspritze für die russische Bank of Moscow (Bank Moskwy, BoM) tragen jedoch mehr die Züge eines Sittenbildes der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Elite Russlands als jene einer Hilfsaktion für eine aus den Fugen geratene Bankbilanz. Die russischen Behörden schnürten Anfang Juli zur Abwendung eines Bankrotts der angeschlagenen BoM ein Rettungspaket in der Höhe von 395 Mrd. Rbl. (11 Mrd. Fr.). Das war die bisher grösste Kapitalspritze in der russischen Bankenbranche. «Das Hilfspaket war nicht notwendig. Mit dem Bail-out wurden die Aktionäre des Instituts und nicht die Bank gerettet», sagt Andrei Borodin, der frühere CEO der Bank, im Gespräch mit dieser Zeitung an einem Ort, der nicht genannt werden soll. (more…)

Russian Banker Hits Back; Former President of Bailed-Out Bank of Moscow Says Lender’s Problems ‘Artificial’

by Guy Chazan and William Maudin, Wall Street Journal

The biggest bank bailout in Russian history was an “insane waste of money,” the bank’s embattled former president said in an interview.

Andrei Borodin, who fled Russia in March and is wanted by authorities there over a loan Bank of Moscow made under his leadership, said the bank “never needed state help.”

“The problems there are of an artificial nature,” he said.


Russia’s “Greece”

Maksim Blant, economic commentator of NEWSru.com The country, as it turns out, does not know its heroes well. Russian banking system, it turns out, was hanging on a thread, and…

Quiet joy

Here is some new information for those interested in the progress of the framed-up criminal case against Andrei Borodin: today I have received an order by investigator D. Pisarevskyi to grant my petition to attach certain media reports to the case file as evidence. If follows from those media reports that, as it turns out, the RF Interior Ministry, as represented by some of its officials, is perfectly aware of both the whereabouts of my client and such pivotal fact as the location of the 12,760,000,000 rubles, the fund that allegedly precipitated this criminal case. According to the Interior Ministry, once the money – by way of a loan extended by the Bank of Moscow – hit the account of Premier Estate it was transferred to Ye. Baturina’s personal accounts.Блог Владимира Краснова, адвоката Андрея Бородина, на сайте Эхо Москвы

Тем, кому интересно развитие сфабрикованного уголовного дела в отношении Андрея Бородина, сообщаю: сегодня получил постановление следователя Д.Писаревского об удовлетворении моего ходатайства о приобщении к материалам дела в качестве доказательств ряда публикаций СМИ. Из них следует, что МВД РФ в лице его официальных должностных лиц, оказывается, прекрасно известно не только местонахождение моего подзащитного, но и такое важнейшее обстоятельство, как местонахождение денежных средств в сумме 12.760.000.000 руб., из-за которых якобы и возникло это уголовное дело: поступив на счет компании «Премьер Эстейт» в качестве кредита из Банка Москвы, они, по данным МВД, были перечислены на личные счета Е.Батуриной.Blog von Wladimir Krasnow, Andrej Borodins Anwalt, auf der Website von „Echo Moskwy“

Hier sind einige neue Informationen für diejenigen, die sich für den Verlauf der abgekarteten Strafsache gegen meinen Klienten Andrej Borodin interessieren: Ich habe heute eine Anordnung des Ermittlers D. Pisarewski erhalten, in der mein Antrag bewilligt wurde, bestimmte Medienberichte den Akten als Beweise beizufügen. Es ergibt sich aus den Medienberichten, dass das Innenministerium der Russischen Föderation, vertreten durch einige seiner Beamten, wie sich herausgestellt hat, sowohl bestens über den Aufenthaltsort meines Klienten als auch über die zentrale Frage wie den Verbleib der 12.760.000.000 Rubel informiert ist, d.h. den Verbleib der Gelder, um die es in dieser Strafsache angeblich geht. Dem Innenministerium zufolge wurden diese Gelder, sobald sie durch ein von der Bank of Moscow verlängertes Darlehen auf dem Konto von Premier Estate eingegangen waren, auf die persönlichen Konten von Je. Baturina überwiesen. (more…)

Russian Banker Hits Back; Former President of Bailed-Out Bank of Moscow Says Lender’s Problems ‘Artificial’

by Guy Chazan and William Maudin, Wall Street Journal

The biggest bank bailout in Russian history was an “insane waste of money,” the bank’s embattled former president said in an interview.

Andrei Borodin, who fled Russia in March and is wanted by authorities there over a loan Bank of Moscow made under his leadership, said the bank “never needed state help.”

“The problems there are of an artificial nature,” he said.Гай Чейзан и Уильям Молдин, The Wall Street Journal

Крупнейшая в российской истории операция по спасению банка-банкрота представляла собой “безумное растранжиривание денег”, заявил в интервью бывший президент этого банка Андрей Бородин.

По словам Бородина, этот банк “никогда не нуждался в помощи государства”. “Проблемы в нем имеют искусственный характер”, – заявил он. (more…)

Bank of Moscow ex-president seeks damages

by Alastair Marsh, FT Tilt Andrei Borodin, the former president of Bank of Moscow, which will be the recipient of the largest bailout in Russian history, is suing his former…