Vedomosti writes that VTB has finally achieved its goal and convinced the state to bail out Bank of Moscow.
Vedomosti also cite Andrey Borodin who stated: ‘It seems that, for VTB, and whoever controls the shares, which help them run Bank of Moscow, it is more expedient to seek state aid, with all the adverse publicity that it brings to both the Bank of Moscow and VTB itself, than to adopt the commercial solution of selling on the ‘suddenly risky’ Bank of Moscow shares, at the price they paid for them.’Ведомости
ВТБ добился от государства денег на спасение Банка Москвы, за который заплатил более 100 млрд руб. Решение о санации банка должно быть принято сегодня. Как стало известно «Ведомостям», ЦБ выдаст ему кредит более чем на 150 млрд руб..