The Central Bank will give 250 billion roubles for the Bank of Moscow sanation

RBC Daily

RBC Daily writes that while the meeting at the Central Bank regarding the Bank of Moscow situation was in progress, Sergey Aleksashenko, former First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, in his blog expressed strong criticism of VTB head Andrey Kostin and even suggested that he should be sacked. In addition, he noted that VTB should not have been rescued by the state during the crisis, but rather should have been made bankrupt as it does not have any systemic importance, and only its subsidiary – VTB 24 – does.РБК Daily

Совет директоров ЦБ готов спасти купленный банком ВТБ Банк Москвы, для чего даст Агентству по страхованию вкладов (АСВ) кредит на 250 млрд руб. Пока шло заседание в ЦБ, его экс-зампред Сергей Алексашенко выступил с жесткой критикой главы ВТБ Андрея Костина, предложив уволить его.